Enter a keyword in the search bar or browse through our knowledge base.
For any inquiry, please email customer support.
For immediate support, use the search bar.
For any additional help, please fill out the inquiry form to reach us.
As per Indian government requirements, any funds raised will be subject to the GST tax levies.
This varies depending on the case, however, WeHelp Life recommends consulting a certified accountant or tax specialist. For U.S. campaigns, the rules will be different and will require compliance with the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), enacted by Congress in Title 26 of the United States Code (26 U.S.C.).
Any individual or organization who is interested in raising funds for a specific cause or initiative can start a fundraiser on WeHelp Life.
To reset your password, please follow these steps:
1. Go to wehelp.life and click 'Log In' in the top right corner of your screen.
2. Click on 'Forgot Password?'.
3. Enter your WeHelp Life account email. After you enter your email address, you'll receive an email from us to reset your password. If you are having trouble remembering your username or the email you registered with, you can also live chat with us or email us at help@wehelp.life. Please include as many details as possible to identify yourself and your fundraiser.
WeHelp Life advises fundraisers to create a campaign with a realistic fundraising goal. For example, having a moderate goal can help you convince donors to come forward and once the campaign kicks off, the goal value can be increased at any point in time. Each campaign should provide a complete description covering what your cause is about while using relevant pictures and video to enrich the content.
Once you start an initiative with the beneficiary and cause identified, WeHelp Life does not allow a change to existing campaigns. However, under exceptional cases, the fundraiser must reach out to the WeHelp Life Support Team to change the beneficiary/cause. This cannot be done if a funds' disbursement has occurred.
WeHelp Life is a simple, easy and secure online platform which helps raise funds for several causes (e.g., family, charity initiatives, or emergencies).
WeHelp Life provides a simple and easy interface for fundraisers to create a fundraising campaign with integrations built for sharing with friends via multiple social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Email, and WhatsApp. Users can login to their account to track the donations they receive and withdraw the money. The user-friendly platform allows donors to process payments with credit cards or with their bank account through a safe and secure medium. WeHelp Life directly connects the fundraisers and donors while eliminating all challenges and customer restrictions.
WeHelp Life provides an opportunity for people to improve their life and standard of living or for organizations of all types (NGOs, charities, religious organizations, etc.) to fundraise for pivotal causes and initiatives.
A beneficiary is the person or organization who receives the raised funds. It could be the fundraiser or they can raise funds on someone's behalf.
Any Individual or an Organization can be Beneficiary. Adding Beneficiary helps the funds to be directly transferred to them.
WeHelp Life is FREE for Individuals and non-profits who want to raise money.
If you are a Safari user and don't see Credit Card Screen then perform the following steps.
Safari Version 5.0 and above
Safari -> Preferences -> Privacy
1) Uncheck "Website tracking" and "Cookies and websites data" options
2) Restart Safari Browser
When a fundraiser creates a campaign, we connect with them through a WePay account they create on the payment processor's website. Got to www.go.wepay.com for more information. WePay is our default payment processor for all funds raised in the United States. All the donations received will be directly deposited through a WePay account which can be monitored by the fundraiser and withdrawn with added processor fees. WeHelp Life users must setup a WePay account.
The fundraiser can monitor all received donations in their WeHelp Life account. When a campaign ends, the WeHelp Life Team will process any payments to their respective bank account. Fundraisers are required to share their bank account information with us through their WeHelp Life account along with KYC documents. This information will be validated by the WeHelp Life Team before initiating any payment.
WeHelp Life is a completely FREE platform for fundraisers and donors. But, once your money has been raised, our Payment Provider WePay.com charges up to 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction for credit cards and 1% + $0.30 per transaction for bank transfers. Donors also have the option to donate to WeHelp Life through "donor tips."
After we receive the disbursement request from you, INR donations will be transferred to you within 3 to 5 business days and foreign donations will be transferred within 7 to 10 business days.
WeHelp Life does NOT charge Platform Fees for any type of Campaigns Payment Processor Charges: - For USA Payments, our Payment Processor charges 2.9% + 0.30 per transaction - For India Payments, our Payment Processor charges stand at 3% per transaction.